Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the beginning

Good Morning!

So...I decided that a great way to keep myself accountable with my devotions during the time that Jason is deployed is to share with you what I am learning and what God is teaching me. I am writing this assuming that anyone who might read this already knows me and knows that my husband left for his deployment recently. This blog is not intended for anything other than pursuing God and documenting the amazing things He is teaching me.

First of all I want to start off by sharing a devotional from my new favorite "Jesus Calling," written by Sarah Young. If you have not ever read this you must go to the bookstore TODAY and buy it. My good friend Katie gave me an excerpt from this devotional a while back and I was hooked.

Being the distracted airhead that I am (ahem who knows where I get that from... cough cough... MOM... :) I skipped ahead to the wrong date last night and read January 16. I believe that it was meant to be. I know God was leading me to this specific devotion, because in just a few short words I understood the peace I have felt during these last few days before Jason left. Isn't God just awesome? (I might throw in a few additions just to reemphasize how amazing this segment is)

January 16 (I read this for yesterday January14)

"Come to me, and rest in My loving Presence. You know that this day will bring difficulties, and you are trying to think your way through those trials. (I mean REALYY!?! So God!!)
As you anticipate what is ahead of you, you forget that I am with you- now and always. Rehearsing your troubles results in experiencing them many times, whereas you are meant to go through them only when they actually occur."

Just going to stop there for a second. Isn't it awesome when you read one sentence and it completely knocks you on your knees. How often do we dwell on our troubles? I believe God was saying, Rebekah, do not dwell on the sad part of this, but look ahead to the amazing things to come. I have been given the gift of months and months to bury myself in countless hours of one on one time with my maker. What a gift! Ok to continue..

"Do not multiply your suffering in the way! Instead, come to Me, and relax in My Peace. I will strengthen you and prepare you for this day, transforming your fear into confident trust."

Wow. I mean wow. I almost just want to end right there. I cannot even make this stuff up people. I accidentally read the wrong day and I believe that Sarah had no idea that she was writing this devotional specifically for me on this day. He will strengthen me and prepare me transforming my fear into trust. That's all I need to know folks! Well I think I have rambled enough for one day. Just know that God is actively pursuing you and He longs to have a meaningful relationship with you!



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